If you’re selling your home, having an Open Home gives your real estate agent the chance to meet with numerous potential buyers and gaining valuable feedback on your property. Regardless of the quality or type of visitors your Open Home attracts, you should make sure your home is 100% ready for viewing. You may have to invest some time or money to get some of those small jobs done but it can make all the difference in the perception of your home to a potential buyer. Here are some ways you can show it off to perfection:
- Make sure the house is spotless. Pay particular attention to the bathrooms and the kitchen. In the bathrooms, towels should be fresh and clean, sinks and baths scrubbed, and the floor freshly cleaned. In the kitchen, make sure all dishes are put away, and bench tops cleaned and clear of all clutter.
- Take particular care of the approach to the front door and the entry.
- Display fresh flowers in vases in the dining room or living room.
- Keep security in mind and put all valuables out of open sight.
- Open every window covering. All drapes, curtains and blinds should be positioned to let in maximum light. Air the house out before the Open Home, but make sure the home is warm (especially in the colder months). If it is a hot day, open a window or two to let the house breath.
- Make sure the house smells good. If you’re not inclined to baking cookies or muffins, just make sure there are no pet or greasy cooking odours. Fresh coffee is an inviting smell.
- Remove pets from the house, or at least, keep them outside.
- And most important, get rid of all clutter!
- If you can afford to or have thought about budgeting for it, prepare to move out of the house completely and stage it with the bare essentials in furniture that show the rooms at their very best.